Computer file extensions - R

Updated: 06/30/2019 by Computer Hope

Below is a listing of each of the different file extensions that begin with the letter "R." If you are looking for a file extension that starts with a different letter, click the corresponding beginning letter below.

.R00 Compressed file, created using WinRAR or similar RAR (Roshal ARchive) utility. May be one of several compressed files for a split archive.
.RA RealAudio file.
.RAF Digital camera RAW file format.
.RAM RealAudio file.
.RAR A compressed file similar to .ZIP, using a different compression program to extract. WinRAR is an example of a program that extracts files from a .RAR file.
.RAS Sun raster graphic files.
.RC 1. Emacs configuration file, C++ resource compiler script file
2. Mozilla subscription information file.
.RD1 Descent registered level file.
.RD3 1. Ray Dream designer graphics file.
2. CorelDRAW 3D file.
.RD4 Ray Dream designer graphics file.
.RD5 Ray Dream designer graphics file.
.RDB TrueVector rules database.
.RDF 1. Resource description framework file.
2. Chromeleon report definition.
.RDL 1. Descent registered level file.
2. RadioDestiny radio stream.
.RDX Reflex data file.
.REC Sound file used with Windows Sound Recorder.
.RGB Silicon Graphics file.
.RLE A run-length encoding file for computer graphics. See RLE (Run-Length Encoding) definition for further information.
.RMI Microsoft RMID sound file.
.RPB Automotive diagnostic file.
.RPD Rapidfile database.
.RPM 1. Red Hat Package Manager package file.
2. RealMedia Player file.
.RPT Various report files.
.RTF Rich Text Format file. See the RTF (Rich Text Format) definition for further information.
.RWZ Microsoft Outlook rules wizard file.