Emanuel Goldberg
Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope
Name: Emanuel Goldberg
Born: August 31, 1881, in Moscow
Death: September 13, 1970 (Age: 89)
Computer-related contributions
- Chemist and physicist known for his contribution to numerous theoretical and practical advances relating to light and media. He was the founding head of Zeiss Ikon, the famous photographic products company in Dresden, Germany.
- Invented microdots, the Kinamo movie camera, the Contax 35mm camera, a very early search engine, and equipment for sensitometry.
Significant publications
- The Densograph. British Journal of Photography 57 (26 Aug 1910): 649-51 (1910).
- Die Aufbau des photographisches Bildes (1922).
- A new process of micro-photography. British Journal of Photography 73 (1910).
- The retrieval problem in photography (1932).
Honors and awards
- Awarded the Israel Prize, in exact science (1968).