Computer history - 1970
Major computer events in 1970
IBM introduced the System/370, which included virtual memory and utilized memory chips instead of magnetic core technology. The family of computers also ran the earlier System/360 programs.
Intel introduced the first ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), the Intel 74181.
Centronics introduced the first dot matrix impact printer.
New computer products and services introduced in 1970
Intel released its first commercially available DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory), the Intel 1103, in October 1970. It can store 1,024 bytes or 1 KB of memory.
The Forth programming language was created by Charles H. Moore.
The US Department of Defense developed Ada, a computer programming language capable of designing missile guidance systems.
Philips introduced the VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) in 1970.
John Conway released Game of Life.
IBM introduced the IBM Copier, the company's entry into the photocopy business, and a sensor-based System/7 for process, manufacturing, and laboratory applications.
Computer and technology-related events in 1970
The Unix time, aka epoch time, was set to start on January 1, 1970.
China's first satellite, the "Dong Fang Hong I," was launched into space on April 24, 1970.
The Luna 16 probe returned on September 24, 1970, and became the first unmanned Moon mission to return lunar samples.
The first commercially available RAM chip was the Intel 1103, released in October 1970.
Douglas Engelbart's patent (3,541,541) was granted for the first computer mouse on November 17, 1970.
E. F. Codd at IBM formally introduced relational algebra.
The International Standard for Organization made the ten-digit ISBN (International Standard Book Number) official.
Steve Crocker and the UCLA team released NCP (Network Control Protocol).
The Sealed Lead Acid battery began its commercial use.
The Bloom filter data structure was first proposed by scientist Burton Howard Bloom at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1970.
Jack Kilby was awarded the National Medal of Science.
The relational database concept was published in a paper by an IBM researcher in 1970. The concept calls for information stored within a computer to be arranged in easy-to-interpret tables so that non-technical users can manage and access large amounts of data. Today, nearly all database structures are based on the relational database concept.
IBM computers in Houston assisted flight controllers in the dramatic rescue of the Apollo 13 astronauts.
Computer companies and organizations founded in 1970
Henry Edward Roberts established MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) in 1970.
Waytek was founded in 1970.
Western Digital was founded in 1970.
The Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) was established in 1970 to perform basic computing and electronic research.
The ITC (International Typeface Corp.) was founded in 1970.
Computer-related TV shows and movies released in 1970
List of computer-related movies, documentaries, and shows., a movie about an impenetrable supercomputer created by the US government that tries to take over humanity, was released in 1970.
Computer pioneers born in 1970

Tiffany Shlain was born on April 8, 1970.
Andrew Plotkin was born on May 15, 1970.
Patrick Norton was born on June 26, 1970.
Tom Merritt was born on June 28, 1970.
Xeni Jardin was born on August 5, 1970.
John Carmack was born on August 20, 1970.
Jason Scott was born on September 13, 1970.
Igor Sysoev was born on September 28, 1970.
Tom Anderson was born on November 8, 1970.
Craig Federighi was born in 1970.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1970

Emanuel Goldberg passed away on September 13, 1970 (Age: 89).