Where can I find or download QBasic?

This page contains legacy instructions for downloading and installing QBasic.
While learning the basics of computer programming using QBasic is helpful, we recommend learning an alternative programming language. QBasic is an older language and is no longer applicable and compatible with today's computers.
No version of QBasic is compatible with 64-bit processors.
Installing QBasic from the Windows 95 and Windows 98 CD
QBasic is not installed when installing Windows 95 and Windows 98. However, it's still on the CD (Compact Disc) for support with older programs, and for people still interested in programming in basic. Qbasic is found in one of the locations below.
Windows 95 CD
QBasic is located in different locations depending on the release of Windows 95 and the type of disc you're using. To locate QBasic, place your Windows 95 CD in the computer, click Start, Find, and search for QBASIC*.*, and ensure you're looking in the CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) drive. There should be two files: qbasic.exe and qbasic.hlp, copy these two files to a directory of your choice on the hard drive.
Windows 98 CD
X is the letter of your CD-ROM drive. To use QBasic without the Windows 98 CD, you must copy QBasic.exe and QBasic.hlp to a directory on your hard drive.
If you have an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) restore CD and do not have the above directory, follow the instructions for Windows 95 users.
Downloading QBasic
Versions of QBasic and different languages of QBasic can be downloaded from the QuickBasic Cafe.