DLT may refer to any of the following:
1. Short for Digital Linear Tape, DLT is a technology initially developed by Digital, who later sold it to Quantum. DLT helps address storage capacity and access time when backing up information to tape drives by increasing the total capacity and speed of the tape drive and disks.
SDLT, or Super Digital Linear Tape, is a variant of DLT developed later, doubling the capacity of disks and allowing up to 300 GB of data to be stored.
2. Short for Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT is a digital system for recording, sharing, and managing transactions or other types of data across multiple parties in a decentralized manner. This structure is beneficial because it doesn't require a central administrator, and therefore, doesn't have an SPOF (Single Point Of Failure). Additionally, its participants maintain and validate a ledger collectively, ensuring transparency, security, and immutability of data. Validation of the ledger requires a peer-to-peer network and consensus algorithms to ensure that it's properly and consistently distributed across relevant nodes.
Blockchain, which gained prominence with the introduction of bitcoin, is a well-known example of DLT. However, there are other variations and implementations that offer similar benefits. Additionally, DLT has applications in various industries outside of cryptocurrency, including supply chain management, healthcare, real estate, and voting systems.
Computer acronyms, Crypto terms, DApps, Decentralized system, DeFi, Tape drive terms, TLA