How to fix spool 32 printer error
Third-party program or TSR loaded

Close all third-party programs are running in the background by End Tasking all TSRs running on the computer.
Issue with or corrupt printer driver
Download the latest printer drivers from your printer manufacturer's website and reinstall the printer drivers.
A listing of printer manufactures and links to their driver pages is on our printer drivers page.
Third-party driver being loaded
A driver related to another program may be loading as the computer is starting that is causing this issue. To determine this, users who are running Windows 95 or Windows 98 try the steps below.
- Click Start, Run, and type command and click OK.
- Type the following commands
cd\ <press Enter> ren autoexec.bat <press Enter> ren config.sys <press Enter> exit <press Enter>
- Once the autoexec.bat and config.sys are renamed, reboot the computer and see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, it is still possible that a drive may be loading in the win.ini or system.ini file. To restore the original system.ini and win.ini files, follow the steps below.
Following the steps below may cause some of your programs not to work. If this occurs, reinstalling that program allows it to work once again.
- Click Start, Shutdown, and restart the computer in MS-DOS mode.
- At the MS-DOS prompt, type:
cd\windows <press Enter> dir *.--- <press Enter>
If the files system.--- and win.--- are present, continue with the steps below. If, however, these files are missing, these steps cannot be completed. Reboot the computer.
ren system.ini <press Enter> ren win.ini <press Enter> ren system.--- system.ini <press Enter> ren win.--- win.ini <press Enter>
- Once the above steps are completed, reboot the computer to see if the issue still persists.
System contains data errors with files
- Ensure that at least 100 MB of free disk space is available.
- If you are running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me, run ScanDisk and Defrag on the computer to fix any errors with the hard drive.
- Click Start, Find, Find Files or Folders and search for *.tmp files. Delete all .TMP files that are found.