Home key

Updated: 03/10/2024 by Computer Hope

A Home key may refer to any of the following:

Computer Keyboard home key.

1. The Home key is a control key for returning the text cursor to the beginning of the current active line. This key may also move the cursor to the beginning of a document, web page, or cell.


The Home key should not be confused with the home row keys.

Apple computers and keyboards do not have a Home key. Instead, use the Command+ (left arrow key) or Fn+ keyboard shortcuts to perform a similar function.

Examples of using the Home key

Below are ways how the Home key can be used on your keyboard. Realize that not all programs use the Home key the same, so not all of these examples work with every program.

  • Home - Go to the beginning of the line, paragraph, or document.
  • Ctrl+Home - Pressing Ctrl and Home at the same time takes you to the very beginning of the document, text, worksheet, or page. With languages that write left-to-right, pressing Ctrl+Home moves to the top-left of the page.
  • Shift+Home - Pressing Shift and Home simultaneously highlights all text from the current position to the start of the line.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Home - Pressing Ctrl, Shift, and Home all at the same time highlights all text from the current position to the beginning of the text or page.

While browsing the Internet, pressing the Home key on your keyboard moves to the top of the page.

Where is the Home key on the keyboard?

The Home key location can vary depending on the type of keyboard and computer you're using. Below are each of the locations.

Standard keyboard Home key

Pictured is a computer keyboard, with the Home keys highlighted in blue. One is found above the arrow keys, and the other is on the numeric keypad.

Home key


Apple computer keyboards do not have a Home key on the numeric keypad.

Laptop computer Home key

The location of the Home key on laptops varies from model to model; some don't even have one. If the keyboard has a Home key, it often is on one of the number or function keys. Also, you may need to press the Fn key and that number or function key simultaneously to activate it.


Laptops with larger keyboards, including a numeric keypad, often have Home keys in the same location as a standard desktop computer keyboard, like that pictured above.

Google Chromebook Home key

Chromebooks don't have a Home key, but the same functionality is available by pressing Shift+Search key (looks like a magnifying glass)+left arrow key.

Practice using the Home key

Use the following text box to practice using the Home key to jump to the beginning of a line of text.

What does a Home key do in a browser?

While browsing the Internet using a browser, pressing the Home key scrolls to the beginning of the web page. For example, pressing the Home key now would scroll to the top of this page. Some users may assume that this key returns them to the home page, which it does not.


If the text cursor is in a text box like the one above, pressing Home moves to the beginning of the line.

How many Home keys are on a keyboard?

Every modern QWERTY keyboard has at least one Home key. For keyboards with a numeric keypad, there may be two Home keys.

What keyboard shortcuts use the Home key?

Below are links to keyboard shortcuts that use the Home key.

2. On smartphones, the Home key is better known as the home button.

3. When describing multiple keyboard keys or a keyboard row, home keys is short for home row keys.

Delete key, End key, Home row, Insert key, Keyboard terms, Page down, Page up