Mouse settings

Updated: 03/15/2025 by Computer Hope

Mouse settings is an area of the operating system that allows the user to customize the computer mouse settings. These settings can include changing the mouse buttons, mouse speed, and wheel. To open these settings, follow the steps mentioned below for your operating system.

Microsoft Windows

In Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 you can access the Mouse settings by clicking Start and typing "mouse settings" and press Enter. This gives you access to the basic mouse settings, if the setting you need is not shown, click the Additional mouse settings option at the bottom of the window to open Mouse Properties. Below is an example of the Mouse settings window in Windows 11.

Mouse settings window in Microsoft Windows 11.

If you're using Windows 7 or an earlier version of Windows the mouse settings can be found by opening the Control Panel and selecting Mouse. The mouse option opens the Mouse Properties to adjust the mouse settings.

Apple macOS

If you're using an Apple computer or MacBook, the mouse and touchpad settings are found by clicking the Apple menu icon and clicking System Preferences or System Settings.


A Chromebook touchpad is adjusted in Settings, which is found by clicking the time in the bottom left corner and then the gear icon ().

Cursor, Double-click, DPI, Mouse button, Mouse click, Mouse terms, Multi-touch, Pointer, Scroll, Settings, Speed