Ipconfig command

Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
ipconfig command at a command line.

Ipconfig is a DOS utility that can be used from MS-DOS and the Windows command line to display the network settings currently assigned and given by a network. This command can be utilized to verify a network connection and your network settings.


Ipconfig is an external command and is available for the following Microsoft operating systems as ipconfig.exe.

Ipconfig syntax

Windows Vista and later syntax

ipconfig [/allcompartments] [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] | /renew6 [adapter] | /release6 [adapter] | /flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns | /showclassid adapter | /setclassid adapter [classid] | /showclassid6 adapter | /setclassid6 adapter [classid] ]

Where adapter Connection name (wildcard characters * and ? allowed, see examples).

/all Display full configuration information.
/release Release the IPv4 address for the specified adapter.
/release6 Release the IPv6 address for the specified adapter.
/renew Renew the IPv4 address for the specified adapter.
/renew6 Renew the IPv6 address for the specified adapter.
/flushdns Flush or purge the DNS (Domain Name System) Resolver cache.
/registerdns Refreshes all DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) leases and re-registers DNS names.
/displaydns Display the contents of the DNS Resolver cache.
/showclassid Displays all the DHCP class IDs allowed for adapter.
/setclassid Modifies the DHCP class id.
/showclassid6 Displays all the IPv6 DHCP class IDs allowed for an adapter.
/setclassid6 Modifies the IPv6 DHCP class id.

The default is to display only the IP (Internet Protocol) address, subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter bound to TCP/IP.

For release and renew, if no adapter name is specified, then the IP address leases for all adapters bound to TCP/IP will be released or renewed.

For Setclassid and Setclassid6, if no ClassId is specified, then the ClassId is removed.

Windows 2000 and XP syntax

ipconfig [/? | /all | /release [adapter] | /renew [adapter] | /flushdns | /registerdns | /showclassid adapter | /setclassid adapter [classidtoset] ]
/all Display full configuration information.
/release Release the IP address for the specified adapter.
/renew Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.
/flushdns Flush and purge the DNS Resolver cache.
/registerdns Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names.
/displaydns Display the contents of the DNS Resolver cache.
/showclassid Displays all the DHCP class IDs allowed for adapter.
/setclassid Modifies the DHCP class id.

By default, only the IP address is displayed. The subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter are bound to TCP/IP.

For release and renew, if no adapter name is specified, then the IP address releases for all adapters bound to TCP/IP will be released or renewed.

For SetClassID, if no class id is specified, then the classid is removed.

Windows 95, 98, and Me syntax

ipconfig [/? | /all | /batch[file | /renew_all | /release_all | /renew N | /release N]
/All Display detailed information.
/Batch [file] Write to file or ./WINIPCFG.OUT
/renew_all Renew all adapters.
/release_all Release all adapters.
/renew N Renew adapter N.
/release N Release adapter N.

Ipconfig examples

To get your computer's local network IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway typing "ipconfig" alone displays this information as shown below. Below this command are other ways of how ipconfig can be used.


Realize this is only your local network information. If you're trying to determine your IP address used on the Internet, we suggest viewing our system information page.


Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : hsd1.ut.comcast.net.
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

To get all local computer network information, use the /all switch as shown below, followed by the results that would be seen when using this command.

ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . : COMPUTERH1
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . :
Node type . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
NetBIOS Scope ID. . . . . . :
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . : No
NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS : No

0 Ethernet adapter :

Description . . . . . . . . : PPP Adapter.
Physical Address. . . . . . : 44-44-44-54-00-00
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . :
Primary WINS Server . . . . :
Secondary WINS Server . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . : 01 01 80 12:00:00 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . : 01 01 80 12:00:00 AM

1 Ethernet adapter :

Description . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C90x Ethernet Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . : 00-50-04-62-F7-23
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . :
Primary WINS Server . . . . :
Secondary WINS Server . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . : 11 16 00 12:12:44 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . :
ipconfig /all |more

This command displays the same information as the previous example, but one line at a time. It can be useful for those looking for specific information or who don't want a lot of lines listed simultaneously. Use Enter to display the next line or the spacebar to display one page at a time.

ipconfig /displaydns

Running the command above would display all the DNS information.

ipconfig /flushdns

Deletes all DNS entries.