
Updated: 09/10/2024 by Computer Hope

A file may refer to any of the following:

Computer files

1. A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used with a computer program. A computer has three types of files: application files, data files, and system files.

In a GUI (Graphical User Interface), such as Microsoft Windows, files display as icons related to the program that opens the file. For example, all PDF (Portable Document Format) icons appear the same and open in Adobe Acrobat or the reader associated with PDF files. If a program is associated with a file, double-clicking the icon opens it in the default program.

How are files created?

A file is created using a computer program. For example, to create a text file, you would use a text editor; to create an image file, you would use an image editor; and to create a document, you would use a word processor.

Where are files stored?

Computer files are stored on a drive (e.g., the hard drive), disc (e.g., DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)), and a diskette (e.g., floppy disk), and may be in a folder (directory) on that medium.


When saving a file on your computer, you save the file to the hard drive by default.

File management

Microsoft Windows computer users can view, manage, and organize their files with Windows Explorer, and Apple users can use the Finder. For further information about file management, see our file system definition.

File extensions and file types

File list in explorer with name and file extension

There are millions of files used with computers today that are identified either by the file extension or the file's data. For example, the picture of Windows Explorer above is the "Regedit.exe" file. "Regedit" is the file name, and ".exe" is the file extension identifying the file as executable. The next file, "RtlExUpd.dll," is a DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) file and another example of a file.


In new versions of Windows, the file extensions are hidden by default. If the file extensions are hidden, you can also understand the file type by looking at the Type column. In the above example, the "Regedit.exe" file is an "Application," and the "RtlExUpd.dll" file is an "Application extension."

How long can a file be?

Earlier versions of Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS used the 8.3 format. This convention supported a maximum file name of eight characters and up to a three-character extension.

With the introduction of Windows 95, Windows joined other operating systems supporting long file names. Now, all the latest versions of Windows can support file names up to 255 characters in length like most other operating systems.

Why do files have different icons?

Text file purple icon.

Because there are thousands of different file formats, different icons help identify the type of file or the associated program. For example, when scrolling through hundreds of files, you could identify a text file by looking for a file icon that looks like a notepad. Having unique icons is also helpful when file extensions are hidden.


A file icon is often changed when the default program used to open the file type is changed.

Why are files needed?

A computer needs files to help break up data and separate different data types. Below are other reasons why files are needed on a computer.


If it were possible for a computer not to use files, it would take longer to find and open information because everything would be contained in one big location. Could you imagine having to read almost everything on your computer each time you wanted to view anything?

Also, that big location must have a way to separate the different data types. For example, image files, video files, and documents are different types of data that need to be separated and identifiable.


It would be more difficult to add, delete, insert, and organize data contained in one big location instead of several smaller locations. For example, editing a document in the middle of one big location would require making space by moving all data below the document.


If all data were contained in one location, it'd be difficult to keep sections of that data secure if multiple users were using the same data. Also, if portions of that location were to become corrupt, it could compromise everything instead of only one file.


Finally, you couldn't share, move, or back up portions of your data because it's all stored in one big location.

Illegal file characters

With most operating systems, the following characters are considered illegal and cannot be used. Creating a file with these characters in the file name would generate an error or make the file inaccessible.

/ \ : * ? " < > |

Also, many operating systems, including Windows, have reserved words that are not to be included in a file name. See the reserved word definition for examples of reserved words.

How are files different than a directory or folder?

A directory (folder) is an area on the computer containing other directories and files and helps keep the computer organized. Files can be within a directory and contain information used by the operating system or other programs on the computer. See our directory page for further information on directories.

2. On newer Chromebooks, the Files app is the name of the file manager and location for viewing and managing files and folders on ChromeOS.

3. Linux command, see the file command page for further information about this command.

Batch file, Binary file, Closed file, Data file, Directory, EOF, Executable file, File conversion, File extension, File format, File name, File properties, File viewer, Hidden files, Hierarchical file system, Interchangeable file, Leaf, Long file name, Native file format, Open file, Operating system terms, Orphan file, PIF, Program, README file, Record, Software terms, Swap file, System file, Text file